I had a vision of this being a place of encouragement for moms like me who may be trying to navigate motherhood and a personal passion. I want to remind mothers of the uniqueness of their call and I want them to know that even though motherhood is one of the greatest things we will ever do, it is also only part of our story.

5 Step Guide for Inbox Zero


Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Vivamus non erat in ipsum viverra tempus. Sed ac odio sit amet quam rhoncus euismod. 

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Take this 5 minutes quiz provided by The Woman School to assess which part of your arena needs help. Get clarity on what’s not working so you can take the steps to make the change toward a WHOLE new you!


hey mamas!

I’m Jeanette


I’m a wife, homeschool mom of 4, Certified FertilityCare Practitioner, Woman School Strategist and local Theology of the Body and NFP speaker. I wear a LOT of hats but the most important one is mom.

I believe that God’s dream for us is always bigger than the dreams we have for ourselves. And I believe that his dream for us is the surest way to sanctity. My hope is to encourage moms to discover God’s dream for them and pursue it.


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Permission to Pursue

Pursuing Holiness In Motherhood

There is no one right way to be a mom. The Permission to Pursue Podcast seeks to encourage you to discover God’s plan for your journey of motherhood so you can pursue it with confidence! 

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