Hope for Healing in Marriage

This post was originally shared on my IG account in February 2021.

We were driving. In an instant everything changed. The image of our marriage came into focus, revealed for what it truly was, wounded and in need of lifesaving care. 

The details of what brought us to that day don’t matter. It’s what happened when it all fell apart that does. 

We looked at each other with tear stained eyes and I said words I never thought I’d need to say, “Divorce is not an option. We have to fix this.” So we drove to the only place that made sense. Adoration. 

We sat in the chapel with three feet between us. Three feet never felt so far away. I knew I could never move forward with my heart as broken as it was. 

“How do you love with a broken heart?” I asked Jesus. 

I’ll never forget the Lord’s response in prayer as I stared up at the cross. 

“Here, you can have mine. Yours is too broken.”

The next year would bring more confirmation of God’s promise of restoration than I ever thought possible. I know first hand that there is “hope in the hard” because I’ve lived it. He RESTORED my broken marriage! 

If your marriage is going through a rough spot and your heart is too broken or wounded to love, ask the Lord for a “heart transplant.” I promise, his heart is much better at loving than mine ever was.

Lord, replace our hearts with yours. 

He is our hope. Especially when marriage is hard. 

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One Comment

  • Oh my heart aches reading this, but also rejoices in how far you’ve come. Our Lord’s words to you are so very precious. God is so good!


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I’m Jeanette, a former high school Theology teacher turned home educator, navigating the difficult transition from career to home. 

I write about marriage, motherhood, discernment, home education following the Charlotte Mason method, and how God works his way into every corner of my life. I’ll be sharing about all those things here and I hope you come along.

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